Fight for Justice Beyond the Fascist, White Supremacist State! 

ILPS US Condemns the Not Guilty Verdict of Kyle Rittenhouse

ILPS US condemns the “not guilty” verdict of racist murderer Kyle Rittenhouse and the imperialist system that creates and perpetuates the existence of white supremacy, the likes of Kyle Rittenhouse and his fascist ilk. We call for continued action and movement building beyond the limitations of this rotten system to fight for genuine justice and liberation. 

After shooting three protesters and killing two of them at a protest during the George Floyd uprising in 2020, Kyle Rittenhouse walks away a free man today. Rittenhouse was found not guilty on five counts, including charges of first-degree reckless homicide, first-degree reckless endangerment, first-degree intentional homicide, and attempted first-degree intentional homicide.

This ruling is a signal to the fascist movement—that fascists can murder protestors without consequence.  The United States criminal “justice” system is developed to protect the interests of the imperialist ruling class. By killing those who supported the Black Lives Matter movement, Rittenhouse was acting in the interests of this group. 

The system exists to punish those who harm the interests of capital. For example, we recall the case of Joshua Williams, a Black youth in Missouri who was sentenced to 8 years in prison for allegedly lighting a fire during the Ferguson Uprising. We also remember the case of two NYC attorney-activists who are being tried as terrorists by the Biden administration. Even Black demonstrators outside the Kenosha courthouse were brutalized and arrested by the police for demanding justice for Rittenhouse’s victims and protesting the white supremacy of the U.S. criminal “justice” system. 

Meanwhile, Rittenhouse killed two people and severely wounded another and walked free, after a trial presided over by a racist judge who showed bias towards his cause. The judge even refused to hear evidence on Rittenhouse’s connection to the white nationalist group “Proud Boys.” It is clear that there is no people’s justice to be had from these enemy courts. A mass movement must be developed and deepened in every working class neighborhood to combat fascist violence on the streets and defend the people’s protests.

We must call for hate crime charges in federal court and demand that Rittenhouse be brought to justice. At the same time, we see clearly that the system will never concede to genuine justice and freedom. Not just the police, not just the prisons, but this entire empire is built on the blood and bones of the captive and the colonized. ILPS US calls on all anti-imperialist forces, especially working class and nationally oppressed people in the United States, to build and unite with grassroots organizations and build power in our communities to fight for people’s justice and ultimately the downfall of imperialism.



ILPS-US Communique on the 2nd National Assembly


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